The Beginnings of a Nursery - A Pink Dresser
September 17, 2017

The Beginnings of a Nursery - A Pink Dresser

I had every intention of writing this post months ago, and have been so excited to share the news with you, but instead, this dresser has been sitting in my house 99% complete for the past two months, and I've been sitting here close mouthed. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed the increase of pink furniture makeovers I've been doing lately. I guess you could call them a trial run, or I guess you could say we've got baby fever over here! The exciting news I've been anxious to share with you is that we are expecting a baby girl this November. As if Kyle isn't already outnumbered enough with me and the two dogs, we are adding even more girly-ness into this household. I don't know if any of us are actually ready for it, but it's coming! 

For quite some time now, I've been trying to push pink dressers on friends, clients, and basically any stranger on the street sporting a baby bump. However, it seems many people are a bit reluctant of straying away from the traditional white or gray nursery furniture. So, now that my turn is up, I'm saying bring on the PINK!