Guest Bedroom Makeover Reveal
I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to show off this bedroom makeover. It was one of the first rooms we completed at the lake house, and I've shared bits and pieces of it over the past couple years, but have never showed it off in its entirety. I think it's because I like the room, but I don't LOOOVE the room. I have been waiting for some 'ah-ha' moment to really complete the room. Well that didn't happen, but instead I had a 'I have a whole new look for the room' revelation. I'm telling you, you never know when these thoughts are going to happen, but you have to cease the moment when they strike. For me, I was in the middle of a spin class and it was like a wave of inspiration came over me and I was suddenly enlightened with how this room should look. Spoiler alert, it involves wallpaper and a lot of blue and white. Big surprise there, huh?! So, before I go and tear up this whole room, I figured I better document how it looks in its current state.
DIY-ish Picture Matte
If you ask my husband, I am the queen of finishing something 98%, then calling it quits. I will clean the kitchen spotless, yet somehow every time overlook the kitchen sink, leaving scraps of food laying in it. I don't necessarily mean to do it, it just somehow happens. As much as I'd like to argue against this fact, this last guest bedroom renovation has been no exception. I really should have done a room makeover reveal months ago, but instead have continued to stare at this large blank wall on one side of the room. Really, everything has been done (for so long now that I'm already itching for a new duvet cover), yet this one wall has remained bare. This time I can't plead the case that I forgot about it. Oh no, that big blank wall just stares you in the face every time you walk in. It was more so that I didn't exactly know what I wanted to do with the space.
Spring Outdoor Decor
With Spring just days away, I can't help but to turn my attention to the outdoors. The days are getting longer and the temperatures are slowly starting to creep up. All Winter I spent cooped up indoors working on home projects...decorating, painting, cleaning...getting our home in tip-top shape. I was feeling pretty good, like maybe I could finally sit back and relax. And hit me. SPRING. Living in Chicago, Spring doesn't necessarily translate to backyard BBQ's and flip-flops, but, aside from making you realize that bathing suit season it quickly approaching, it also makes you remember that whole other part of your home that you have neglected these past four months...the outdoors.
DIY Cornice Board
I'll be the first to admit, when it comes to DIY projects, if it doesn't include a paint brush, it usually doesn't include me. I know my limits. Maybe the better way of putting it is I know what I like, and if I don't like it, I don't do it. If you remember back to my whole pillow fiasco, you may also remember if it requires a needle, I DEFINITELY shouldn't be attempting it. So, at least this time around I stuck with a DIY project that is 100% sewing-free!
Lighting Round-up - My Top 10
I've recently been hunting around for new lighting fixtures for our home. Let me tell you, it can be a bit overwhelming! Seriously, it's kinda like shopping for a new pair of jeans. Gone are the days of walking into The Gap and grabbing your size. Oh no! That's just one piece of the also have to figure out what style you want, what wash you want, are you going to pay extra money for the pre-cut holes in the knees...because I'm telling you now, that's gonna cost you! But really, I feel like whatever fixture you choose can really define the style of the space. I also never realized what a huge impact fixtures can have and what a drastic effect they can create. Bottom line, you don't want to screw this one up!