November 07, 2016

Guest Bedroom Makeover Reveal

I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to show off this bedroom makeover. It was one of the first rooms we completed at the lake house, and I've shared bits and pieces of it over the past couple years, but have never showed it off in its entirety. I think it's because I like the room, but I don't LOOOVE the room. I have been waiting for some 'ah-ha' moment to really complete the room. Well that didn't happen, but instead I had a 'I have a whole new look for the room' revelation. I'm telling you, you never know when these thoughts are going to happen, but you have to cease the moment when they strike. For me, I was in the middle of a spin class and it was like a wave of inspiration came over me and I was suddenly enlightened with how this room should look. Spoiler alert, it involves wallpaper and a lot of blue and white. Big surprise there, huh?! So, before I go and tear up this whole room, I figured I better document how it looks in its current state.

Here is how the room started when we bought the house. This room is in the new wing of the house, so the upgrades were pretty cosmetic.

Here is the scope of work:

  • New Carpet
  • New trim
  • Paint walls and ceiling
  • Replace light fixtures
  • Replace doors

I'm telling you, compared to some of the room renovations, this one was a piece of cake!

The room is pretty small, so we knew we had to be smart with the room layout. It would function as a guest bedroom for weekends when we are hosting multiple couples and really need to cram a lot of people into the house.

Given the shape of the room, a daybed was the best option. We found this pullout daybed from Ikea and I really can't speak highly enough of it. Let's start with the basics. Even while consuming a bottle of wine, Kyle and I were successfully able to assemble this bed. Let's be honest, any day when you conquer the battle of assembling a piece of Ikea furniture with no extra parts left over is a good day. For just a short while after that you really feel like Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting. Complete genius. On top of that, the bed pulls out and expands to a full size bed comfortably sleeping two people. AND, on top of that, it provides three drawers for storage. Perfect of extra pillows and bed linens. All around win.

I topped off the bed with an assortment of pillows. You can read more about that project here.

For wall decor over the bed I took a big decorating chance for me. When it comes to decorating, I probably err on the side of safe. I stick with what I know and what I'm comfortable with. Gallery walls definitely fall outside of that box, but I went for it. You can read all about the gallery wall here.

Besides the bed, the room doesn't leave a lot of space for much else. However I was able to tuck a secretary desk into the back corner. This desk actually gets quite a bit of use. This room provides an ideal space if you are looking for a quiet part of the house to catch up on work.

This desk was one of the first pieces I refinished, and I still love it. It's such a unique piece and provides a pop of color in that corner. 

You can read all about this secretary desk makeover here.

Besides that, I squeezed in a couple decorative accents. I found these vintage suitcases at an antique store in Indiana.

You know, as if I didn't have enough throw pillows on the bed, I had to find one more spot to cram a couple more pillows into the room!

Overall the room functions well for what we need it for, however I think there's still room for improvement. Since this room was one of the first rooms we put together, it was done well before I had an overall vision for the house. Now that we've settled into the house a bit more, I have a more clear idea of how I envision this room to help it look more cohesive with the rest of the house. I promise, it'll be good!